
The Landscape Interpretation Centre of Jesi and Vallesina, the result of the European project Adrilink, is located in Palazzo Balleani Vecchio, an ancient palace in the heart of Jesi’s historic centre.
It is a multimedia space conceived as a real portal of the area guiding visitors to the historical, artistic and natural beauties of Jesi and Vallesina through immersive devices and sensory paths.
The Landscape Interpretation Centre integrates and completes its function of in depth discovery of the area along with the IME – Marche Region Food and Wine Institute, a project dedicated to knowledge, education, communication and tasting of high-quality food and wine products of the region.

Opening hours

Opening hours

Days Opening hours
From Thursday to Saturday 10am-1pm


Phone: +39 0731 538420




Tickets: €3
Reductions: €1 (children/young from 6 to 25 years of age)
Free: children up to the age of 5, ICOM members, visitors with disabilities and their carers


One ticket to visit 9 museums:

  • Palazzo Pianetti Civic Museums;
  • Printing Museum;
  • Colocci-Vespucci House Museum;
  • Old and rare book collection in Palazzo della Signoria;
  • Frederick II Museum - Stupor Mundi;
  • Diocesan Museum;
  • Exhibition Halls of Palazzo Bisaccioni;
  • Pergolesi and Spontini's Rooms in G.B. Pergolesi Theatre;
  • Landscape Interpretation Centre and IME experience.

Tickets: €15
Reductions: €10 (children/young from 6 to 25 years of age, groups of min. 15 people, residents in Jesi)
Families: €30
Free: children up to the age of 5
Retailers: Palazzo Pianetti Civic Museums and Frederick II Museum - Stupor Mundi


A Membership card offering one year of unlimited free access to Jesi's museums, as well as free or discounted guided tours, free publications, free or discounted workshops and discounts at the theatre
It includes: 

  • Palazzo Pianetti Civic Museums, which include the Archaeological Museum, the Civic Art Gallery and the Contemporary Art Gallery;
  • the Colocci-Vespucci House Museum;
  • the Printing Museum;
  • the Old and rare book collection in Palazzo della Signoria;
  • the Landscape Interpretation Centre ;
  • the Frederick II Museum - Stupor Mundi;
  • the Pergolesi and Spontini's Rooms in G.B. Pergolesi Theatre;
  • the IME – Marche Region Food and Wine Institute;
  • the Diocesan Museum.

Standard (for adults aged 26 to 64): €30
Young (for children/young aged 6 to 25): €20
Senior (for adults aged over 65): €25
Double (two Standard cards, for couples or friends): €55
Family (two Standard cards pulus two Young cards): €75
Special (for teachers): €25
Retailers: Palazzo Pianetti Civic Museums and Frederick II Museum - Stupor Mundi

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