On leaving the boudoir, you find yourself in a small passage, probably the changing room of the Marquess. The fact that it was destined to be used by a woman can be inferred by the presence of four cameos at the corner of the ceiling, depicting famous women.

It is interesting to note that in this room alone is it possible to find two important traces of the different phases in the restructuring work on the apartment.

Above the cornice, in a position hard to reach, we find the signature of Fortunato Morini and the date 1858, who was involved in the first 19th century restructuring work commissioned by the Pianetti family.

Instead, evidence of the refurbishing work carried out on the apartment by the Tesei family after they purchased the Palazzo in 1901, can be seen on the newspapers prepared for the application of the wallpaper bearing the signature of Oreste Pennacchietti, one of the workers engaged for the job.

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Second floor - Contemporary Art Gallery

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