The corridor in which we are now standing gives access to the collection of contemporary art. This space was originally connected to the part of the building that is now privately owned and served as an antechamber which was accessed from the two grand salons.

After the refurbishing of the second-floor apartment at the end of the 19th century, a wall was built with a trompe l’oeil door painted on it.

It was surely the Tesei family, after becoming the new owner of the Palazzo in 1901, who had their family coat of arms, featuring three lilies and a winged creature, painted on the archway above the trompe l’oeil door. This coat of arms is placed in a specular position from the one of the Pianetti family, which is located on the opposite wall. 

The vault also contains several tiles with the face of a lion which were left uncompleted.

Piano di riferimento

Second floor - Contemporary Art Gallery

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