
Tamburi Orfeo


Unusual but familiar scenes, in which the easy balance between sensitivity and objectivity is redesigned in a wholly personal space-time logic, make up the manifesto of this Jesi-born artist’s pictorial research into the theme of cities. The painting Brasserie freezes the image of a corner of Paris, Orfeo Tamburi’s favourite city, which he visited for the first time in 1935 and where he ultimately decided to settle in 1947. The buildings, entirely Parisian in taste, appear to be geometrically broken down and the rectangular module representing the window turns into the interpretation key of the entire work. The Brasserie that is housed in one of these buildings, bears the traces of a human presence, evoked by four chairs that perfectly fit into the spatial logic of the view.

Technical info

Original title Brasserie
Type Opera d'arte contemporanea
Collection Contemporary Art Gallery
Technique Oil on canvas
Misures cm. 72x50
Placement Civic Museums of Palazzo Pianetti
Floor: Second floor - Contemporary Art Gallery
Exhibition area: The alcove

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