This piece was painted by Renato Guttuso and donated to the Civic Art Gallery in 1975, on the occasion of the first edition of the “Rosa Papa Tamburi” Prize, which was ultimately awarded to the painting. The subject is a theme very dear to the Sicilian-born artist of Roman adoption: the Colosseum, which Guttuso repeatedly portrayed during the 1970s, according to the pictorial dictates of the school of Italian Neorealism. Set out in the contrasting colours of black and white, the painting portrays the central cavity of the famous Flavian amphitheatre, which was the centre stage of most of our history.

Technical info

Original title Colosseo
Type Opera d'arte contemporanea
Collection Contemporary Art Gallery
Technique Oil on canvas
Misures cm. 100x30
Placement Civic Museums of Palazzo Pianetti
Floor: Second floor - Contemporary Art Gallery
Exhibition area: The boudoir

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