
First floor - Pinacoteca Civica

Civic Museums of Palazzo Pianetti

The bel étage of Palazzo Pianetti was designed to host the state rooms in which to entertain guests and walk them through the marvellous 70-m-long Stucco Gallery. The main hall, now hosting works by Lorenzo lotto and whose ceiling is painted with the last scene of the pictorial cycle of the Stories of Aeneas, was originally the grand hall and ballroom. The richness of the furniture was such that it was much regretted after it was lost in the wake of the serious financial crisis that hit the family since the end of the 1800s. A photograph from the period bears witness to the furnishing of the Gallery: marble-topped half-moon console tables, mirrors and stools were placed along the windowed walls; along the interior wall, doors and windows alternated with a set of sofas with carved seats and flower-decorated paintings hanging above them. The Exedra, the octagonal room connecting the Gallery to the rooms, was decorated with eight half-bust sculptures, four marble tables and a series of paintings and mirrors hanging on the walls, now only empty ovals marked with letters of the alphabet.

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