Pistoletto, an artist from Piedmont, is among the leading representatives of the ‘Arte povera’ (Poor Art) movement. This sculpture is an example of the artist’s innovative tension and provocative thrust in tackling a sacred and traditional theme by proposing a dialectic encounter/disencounter between classical art, expressed through the female body of Graeco-Roman inspiration, and Contemporary Art. The figure of the announcing angel, merged with the figure of the Madonna through techniques that are specific to avant-garde movements, is made of unusual materials taken from the world of industry, testifying to his innovative approach to sacred themes, typical of the artistic expressivity of modern times.

Technical info

Original title L'Annunciazione
Type Opera d'arte contemporanea
Collection Contemporary Art Gallery
Technique Polyurethane materials
Misures cm. 170x150x50
Placement Civic Museums of Palazzo Pianetti
Floor: Second floor - Contemporary Art Gallery
Exhibition area: Antechamber

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