Nel bosco, preziose

This canvas, painted by artist Leonardo Cemak, a native of the Marche Region, is part of the “Le stanze nel bosco” (“Rooms in the Wood”) composite installation process set up in 2009 in the Church of San Nicolò in Jesi. The highlight of the whole installation is a representation that unfolds between paradoxes and incongruencies, revealed visions and subtle contradictions, beginning worlds and ending stories. The work, which appears to be based on the stylistic solutions offered by optical art, portrays a large close-up of a woman’s face, an almost magical presence charged with psychological and emotional tension, which appears in the wood and instils a sense of curious suspense among viewers. What stands out the most are the tear and the pearl, identical in shape but expressions of a conflicting preciousness: emotional and gloomy the former, material and shining the latter.

Technical info

Original title Nel bosco, preziose
Type Opera d'arte contemporanea
Collection Contemporary Art Gallery
Technique Indian ink on canvas
Misures cm. 120x100
Placement Civic Museums of Palazzo Pianetti
Floor: Second floor - Contemporary Art Gallery
Exhibition area: Bathroom

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