Self-portrait (Betto Tesei)

Born in 1898, Betto Tesei was the son of Aristide, the person who purchased Palazzo Pianetti in 1901, and studied in Urbino and in Rome before finally settling in Palazzo Pianetti, where he lived and worked for the rest of his life. His poetics has its origin in the national movement of the Italian Novecento, even if the Jesi-born artist especially focused on highlighting small things and figurative art in a context that was profoundly marked by the surge of avant-garde movements. A close-up portrait of the artist’s face, the work stands out not only for the clever look in his eyes but also, and mainly, because of the attentive and profound care that he puts into portraying the figure.

Technical info

Original title Self-portrait (Betto Tesei)
Type Opera d'arte contemporanea
Collection Contemporary Art Gallery
Technique Oil on canvas
Misures cm. 60x50
Placement Civic Museums of Palazzo Pianetti
Floor: Second floor - Contemporary Art Gallery
Exhibition area: State room with fireplace

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